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  2. SOS Recovery Community Organization

Co-Occurring Disorders

SOS Recovery Community Organization online

Co-Occurring Disorders

Ethical Considerations in Peer-Assisted Recovery

SOS Recovery Community Organization online

Emphasis is placed on understanding the similarities and difference between values, norms, principles, morals and ethics as well as on learning how to make ethical decisions.

Art and Science of Peer Assisted Recovery

SOS Recovery Community Organization online

Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care; multiple pathways of recovery; harm reduction; peer recovery support; boundary management; motivational interviewing; social justice issues; self care.


SOS Recovery Community Organization online

A 5 day, 30-hour, evidence-informed, interactive online training for persons interested in providing peer-assisted recovery services. Learning objectives Participants will be able to: • Describe the peer recovery specialist role and sub-roles • Examine empowerment as a process and a tool to guide their activities with recovering populations • Examine how paradigms about recovery can […]
