Welcome to SOS Recovery Trainings

SOS Recovery Community Organization envisions a world where recovery from addiction is possible and widely embraced through low-barrier access to inclusive and respectful support, and where all who seek long-term recovery have access to the care and resources they need to achieve their self-defined goals.

Professional Trainings for Peer Assisted Recovery

Anchoring Hope in Recovery:
Where Community, Education and Healing Unite.

Peer-assisted recovery trainings are educational programs designed to empower individuals who have personal experience with substance use and recovery to provide support and assistance to others facing similar challenges. These trainings aim to equip peers with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to effectively guide and support individuals on their journey to recovery.

From Hopeless to Hero

U.S. Army Veteran Michael Whitehouse recently completed our CRSW Training Series. Read how he is now giving back to the recovery community that he credits with saving his life.